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Step 3: Part 6 The Director - It's not my role to direct others. It's my role to love them, support them by listening, and pray for them to find God's direction
Step 3: Part 5 Lessons From The 70s on Willingness - My life lesson plan was handed to me with my bed tray at the age of 23!
Step 3: Part 4 Flat-Out Decision - The way out was to get a clue! I thought I was supposed to be in charge of my own life, so I was.
Step 3 Part 2: ABCs of AA - Bill's principles of AA... I laughed out loud when I heard this. (Learn what hit the editor's floor.)
Step 3: Part 1 Connected - My life wasn't happy, but I felt like I was in control. For some reason, that made sense to me.
Step 3: Self-willed and Controlling? Who…Me? - I don't understand the intricate workings of denial, but I'm at the same time, well-acquainted with it.
Step 3: Examine Inconsistencies - Here's the confession: When I'm doing well, it's not really me doing it. It's the power within.
Step 3: Remodel Me - My most traumatic experience with remodeling isn't filed in a picture database anywhere ...
Step 3: I Swore I’d Never… - What did you resolve that you'd never do when you were a kid?
Step 3: In 2 Deep - What person causes you the most stress no matter what you try?